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US Dollar from Smart Hive

We don’t work for free

By | Uncategorized

As a business owner, product owner, marketer or communications director do you value creative work? Does it make an impact on your bottom line? Generate awareness? Build your brand? Get attention for your product?

If you do, then please help persuade your peers, fellow board members, and colleagues against asking for free creative work. Stop holding logo contests. Don’t ask for volunteers to design, write, illustrate, photograph, animate, code or produce anything for free. Refuse to approve spec work. Stop expecting creative makers to work for free. Read More

INST-INT opening


By | Data Visualization, Design, Just Awesome, Uncategorized

This was the first year I attended INST-INT and I was impressed with the caliber of the presentations, the feeling of community and the amazing, innovative work shown. INST-INT 2014 was a wonderful combination of the best installation, environment and immersive experience design with a focus on how it works (and when it doesn’t work), who gets involved, and how can we collaborate together. (At least 4 speakers asked for collaborators while on stage.)

It was an amazingly relaxed, collegial vibe with everyone feeling both inspired and in awe of the work shown, the efforts put forth and the multi-disciplinary talents of the speakers. Getting off the screen and into the world around us was the goal and the Read More

The best of the New York Times interactive storytelling and data visualization

By | Uncategorized

2013: The Year in Interactive Storytelling

I consider the work of the New York Times Graphic Dept. some of the best in class for both interactive storytelling and data visualization. I had the pleasure of hearing some of the members of the graphics team speak at the AIGA National Conference in Minneapolis last year and was impressed with their process and how they focus on getting the story told, sometimes under very fast time demands.

These works are some of the the best and I plan on pouring over them in the upcoming weeks. Enjoy.