Smart Hive

UX Strategy + Design Thinking + Data Visualization

Strategic Consultancy

Using design thinking to drive branding and marketing

User Experience/UX

Gathering and using data to create better user experiences

Story-led Differentiation

Branding that fosters better customer experiences

Data-driven Brand Storytelling

Communicating your brand, products & services with custom visualizations

UX and Data Visualization for Metametrix

UX and Data Visualization for Metametrix

Sentry Data Systems Tradeshow Booth Infographics

Sentry Data Systems Tradeshow Booth Infographics

HealthEast Consulting Overview

HealthEast Consulting Overview

Ecological System Plan Topics Visualization

Ecological System Plan Topics Visualization

TravTrade Dashboard UI

TravTrade Dashboard UI

Aveus Strategy Presentation

Aveus Strategy Presentation

Presenting Trend Storytelling

Presenting Trend Storytelling

Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Skate Park Activity Plan

Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Skate Park Activity Plan

Tubman Annual Report 2015

Tubman Annual Report 2015

US Government Organizational Chart

US Government Organizational Chart

Have a Life Diagram

Have a Life Diagram

Thompson Reuters Social Media & Lawyers Infographic

Thompson Reuters Social Media & Lawyers Infographic


A strategic consultancy using data to create better experiences

“Without fail, Carla delivered highly original work that hit the bullseye in translating our business and messaging objectives. Her efforts generated a lasting inspiration for a diverse groups of employees throughout the organization.”

CX Director

“ As a creative strategist and branding expert, she has been instrumental to the growth of our agency. If you need big ideas and strategic thinking, Carla is the one to turn to. ”

Director of Accounts

“Carla is one of those amazing people who has the ability to be creative, visionary and strategic all at the same time, while also holding to the business objectives for her clients. I admire how she can take on an extremely complicated project and identify steps to make it actionable. ”

Marketing Manager

“To manage, develop and build our client relationships, Carla's creative strategy was always top-notch. She consistently delivered the much needed and many times, much appreciated creative to a brand's repertoire. ”

Marketing Manager

“One of the most collaborative people I've ever worked with, Carla appreciates what each individual brings to the picture. Her creative eye and intelligence coupled with her understanding of brand and business make her one of the strongest creative people with whom I have worked.”

Brand Development Supervisor

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Articles | Insights | Observations

US Dollar from Smart Hive Uncategorized
October 13, 2017

We don’t work for free

As a business owner, product owner, marketer or communications director do you value creative work? Does it make an impact on your bottom line? Generate awareness? Build your brand? Get…
August 15, 2017

How to gauge brand engagement

See me. Love me. Let me be your bestie. Everyone and every brand has the same goal. We want to be loved by you. And, like the high school experience…
Data Visualization
June 26, 2017

Eyeo Festival 2017

It's my favorite week of the year—Eyeo Festival. This year's speakers, links, resources, and work: Eyeo Festival | Converge to Inspire code+resistance | Pad (more…)
February 24, 2017

Data journalism + content marketing

Content marketing is very popular. 88% of marketers say they use content marketing and three-quarters of all marketers plan on producing more this year. That is a lot of content…

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