Embarking on a new path is always exciting as I move into the unknown. I’ve been adding different skill sets to my repertoire as I focus more on data visualization and information design.
However, I thought it would be insightful to look at the various skills I’ve used in my career to date as I have moved from designer to Art Director to Creative Director to Entrepreneur. The tools, processes and approaches have evolved, as have my role in the creative process. To get a sense of the progression I created this visualization that shows the design skills I used in the past 20+ years and what percentage of my time I spent on them.
Skills Visualization
As with any visualization, I gathered the data first, from my own records and memory. Then I quantified it by percentage of my time based on my primary role. What you see is the ebb and flow of skills utilized. As you roll over each you can see the percentage that particular skill was for the year.
I will be excited to add some new skills to the visualization in 2014 as my focus on growing my business demands I learn new approaches.